Franchise Freedom
Franchise Freedom is for corporate executives who are tired of the rat race, the politics, and the lack of control inside the corporate monster and are ready to break free. Your host, Giuseppe Grammatico is a successful corporate refugee who has worked on every side of franchising, from owning franchises, to working with franchisors, to helping others use franchising to escape the corporate grind. Get more great insights on franchising and entrepreneurship for people looking at career transition at https://ggthefranchiseguide.com
Franchise Freedom
Your Year-End Blueprint: 5 Key Takeaways From The Franchise Freedom Podcast
Join Giuseppe as he revisits the Franchise Freedom Podcast’s 2024 episodes, sharing the top 5 key takeaways to help you prepare for success in 2025! Learn about focus, responsible franchising, humanized marketing, strategic content reviews, and the power of choosing the right business model for you. Get actionable tips for transforming your franchise journey today.
➡️ Explore franchise opportunities with Giuseppe: https://ggthefranchiseguide.com/right-fit/
➡️ Download the free book "Franchise Freedom:" https://ggthefranchiseguide.com
➡️ View full list of podcast episodes from 2024 in the blog: https://ggthefranchiseguide.com/podcast/
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The Franchise Freedom: Discover Your New Path to Freedom Through Franchise Ownership, Book by Giuseppe Grammatico https://ggthefranchiseguide.com/book or purchase directly on Amazon.
there's not a one size fits all, you know, I wish that were the case would be a lot easier, but it's really case by case and that's, You know where we come in, we have a very personalized approach. Every year we look to improve. Every year we look to kind of go back and see what's working, review the comments and the topics and things like that. the numbers we had, you know, a handful of episodes that had really high numbers or much higher numbers than others. So, really figuring out what caused that spike, what really hit home. And then really, you know, narrowing down, going back to the marketing of topics we should be talking about.
Welcome to the Franchise Freedom Podcast, where you can escape the corporate trap through franchise ownership. Here's your host, Giuseppe Grammatico, The Franchise Guide.
gg:Welcome everyone to the Franchise Freedom Podcast. I'm your host, Giuseppe Grammatico, your franchise guide. Happy New Year. This is actually technically our second show of the year. We had our last show with Jason Pfeiffer from Entrepreneur Magazine. Last Wednesday, the first, but wanted to welcome you really excited for, for today's show today's show is really kind of a recap. What I, what I did was I looked at all the shows. We recorded 46 shows last year and put together top five, which is very difficult. But top five takeaways from all the recordings and guests and solo episodes that we've done. So, before we dive into the show again, wanted to thank you again for all your support, all your questions and comments. We build the, the show around how we can better help you. And without your feedback that is extremely difficult. And with that being said for anyone. You know, 2025 you know, maybe you are thinking of escaping the a corporate rat race or looking to diversify, maybe even, you know, put together and create a safety net for your career and want to explore franchising, not specific franchises to start, but just to see if a franchise may be a fit let us know. We'd love to help you out. Just go to our website. My initials, GG, the franchise guide. You can apply to work together. And the reason we have that apply to work together is that it will help you figure out in a few questions, I believe it's three or four questions asking you questions just to see if franchising may or may not be a good fit for, for what you're looking to accomplish. So I encourage you the call is free. The service is free. We can talk more about that. And we'd love to help you out. So, getting back to the show. So again really excited. I like to review the show for many reasons. I wanted to see kind of what, what, what helped people, you know, based off your comments and the shows, what topics we discussed we discussed. And what we did with 46 shows is. In the blog, we'll list every single show and we broke it down by category since we covered things such as franchising, which obviously show a franchise freedom. We want to cover that, but we talked about things such as marketing. We talked about things such as kind of a startup. We talked about people in the military and their career transition. You know, we talked about just being overly or how to be more productive, whether that be, you know, more digitally organized different ways of helping you succeed, both In your job, your non franchise, your franchise business, just overall value add. And you know, we, we really you know, like to, to mix it up, but I like to kind of look and see the areas we covered, if there was any area topics that we forgot or maybe just miss completely. So, diving into the the, the five key takeaways I'm going to list everything in the show notes. So, again, it'll be a little bit easier for you to go through if you want to look at a specific topic. So, you know, my, my number one, and this is based off of not one show, but multiple shows kind of themes and conversations is focus. And I think focus. Is going to be the theme of 2025. I know for myself and many others and, and focusing on what really matters both personally, excuse me, and professionally getting rid of distractions getting rid of the subscriptions, the emails that are, that are constantly bombarding you that are not serving you. And I'm not saying you have to unsubscribe to them all, but you know, some of them are just not, you know, maybe it's, it's a, it's great information, but not the right timing. So pausing those or filing those away, but really getting focused on, you know, what you're trying to really accomplish both professionally and as well as personally. And, you know, the distractions themselves, you know, what's not serving you. Maybe there's some, you know, people not serving you and maybe having less interaction with them, but really focusing on, you know, there's so many different things we could be doing, but, you know, what are the top five things that. You know, you need to focus on where you've had the most results that is really helping you move the needle. So, focus has been a big word. I know in my planning goal setting, you know, we did the show on goal setting, but also habits, right? The habits you need to accomplish those goals. So definitely revisit that. We did that a few weeks ago. And those habits which I learned quite a bit from, from atomic habits from the book, atomic habits will kind of break down what habits are needed on a daily basis to accomplish those goals. So, so that was was was really helpful. You know, another topic that we are takeaway was the idea of responsible franchising. And that was a key, I would say more of a key topic. That didn't take away, but that came up and we had multiple episodes on that going actually in 2023, as well as 24 and with responsible franchising, you know, really, you know, figuring out number one, if a franchise is a good fit and then, you know, working with brands and knowing the questions and, and doing the appropriate due diligence in order to make that final decision. So making sure you have access. So as much information as possible as we talked about one of the episodes, if it is an emerging brand, we want to make sure we're talking with as many franchisees as possible since maybe the financial performance and representation and the item 19 is going to be light because it may just display or just give you information on a corporate office. So you want to talk with franchisees. So responsible franchising getting very clear on the roles, a clear understanding on both sides, as if. A franchise candidate is a good fit for the brand and the, you know, and, and vice versa, if, if the brand is a good fit for the candidate, making sure that you know, the ownership options are a good match, given the amount of time they're able to commit to the business and things like that. So getting very specific. And not rushing the due diligence process. You know, one of the, one of the shows we talked about just a lot of, you know, you know, not doing enough calls with, with existing franchisees was super helpful. Marketing was, was a big topic. We had a lot more shows than usual around market marketing. And, you know, a big part of that was in marketing, humanizing the marketing. You know, we, we've been hearing that from multiple people. So we had Aaron Harper from rolling suds who had the the privilege of, of meeting Alex Hormozy. And that was a very common theme talking about how to humanize. We had Kossum you know, talking about from solutions, eight and now Pareto talent talking about that and being very, you know, humanizing using your personal accounts talking and, and, you know, letting the, the, Prospects, the customers, clients, whoever's listening, you know, truly talking from the heart via experience listening to them, answering their questions, applying empathy and really understanding where they're coming from. Sometimes, you know, we, we may have been in business for, For 20, 30 years and forgot what it took to really get started. So empathy, you know, putting our, you know, putting yourself in their shoes and they're really understanding. But the idea of marketing is really, you know, the, the human to human is really just, you know, creating that community being vulnerable, not overly producing every piece of content and just being very consistent. Open, honest you're not going to be for everyone, but it's, it's really important to be open and honest and just transparent with people and just say, Hey, you know, these are, these are my thoughts. You know, maybe an unpopular opinion, but you know, these are some recommendations I have. So, yeah. I think that will help build loyal fans and followers throughout the years. And that was a very common theme. And there was a previous guest that we had on the show, Marcus Sheridan from they ask you answer. I did not have him on the show this year, but following him last couple of months had some similar philosophies around marketing and just getting out there. So, um, another was let's see. From going back to Alex Hormozy and Aaron Harper rolling suds, you know, we had talked about, you know, kind of reviewing your results. So I went in 46 episodes and I looked to see what shows had the most number of downloads and to see exactly what topics we had discussed, what really hit home with people. So, trying to track and obviously can't see every, every person that download or listen to the show. But the numbers we had, you know, a handful of episodes that had really high numbers or much higher numbers than others. So, really figuring out what caused that spike, what really hit home. And then really, you know, narrowing down, going back to the marketing of topics we should be talking about. So sometimes. I'm trying to figure out what everyone wants to hear. And sometimes we're repeating ourselves. Sometimes we're talking about the same topic every so many episodes. And that's because from the feedback I've received from others, and again, listening to the audience is that some people only go back a dozen episodes. They're not going back a year or two or three. So kind of revisiting. Touching up on, on certain topics, reviewing what's working. And this doesn't just work with the show. This is also for the podcast, specific posts, blogs that I say the same thing in a video and then a blog, but the blog really took off and the video did it for whatever reason, so really, you know, taking a step back and looking at what has been produced. And that's not necessarily coming up with new content every day, but repurposing. You know, content and seeing kind of what's, what's working, what's not working and, and what people want to really hear. And then finally, you know, it's the idea of business ownership, not just franchising, and I know the show is called franchise freedom, but the idea of business ownership as a vehicle. And, you know, I get questions all the time. You know, is franchising better than, than a startup and vice versa. Some people are in the franchise world. Some people have never owned a franchise or just have a general idea of what a franchise is. And really, you know, putting together, you know, what is that ideal situation? What is that, what is the ideal situation? And then not only that, but what is the vehicle that's going to get you there? And that could be a startup. That could be a franchise. That could be a combination of both. We had, we had Jeremy Dyer. Starting point capital. Talk about real estate syndication. That could be a possibility. I myself do not lead in with real estate. I go in with franchising and, and non franchise business. And I invest some of the proceeds only into real estate syndication. And that's something that I follow and that's not the best fit for everyone. And that's okay. You know, it's really figuring out what are my options. You know, in a real estate syndication, it's going to be a lot less hours. But what about the returns? And with whereas in franchise ownership, you're going to be investing more time but having more control over the process since you're running that business day to day, either on your own or with the general manager. So it's not saying, you know, what is the best option? What is the best vehicle? You know, everyone's situation is different. Everyone's you know, their capital, sometimes a franchise is the, is the best fit, but their budget only allows them to invest in mutual funds, you know, for a couple thousand bucks. So is it better to invest in the mutual fund or hold off and wait till you haven't the, the funds available to invest in a franchise? So, there's not a one size fits all, you know, I wish that were the case would be a lot easier, but it's really case by case and that's, You know where we come in, we have a very personalized approach. Sometimes the franchise is the perfect fit. Sometimes it's not, but we are able to assist with ideas and make those connections. Going back to the human aspect of it you know, really getting laser specific on what you want to accomplish. And then from there, you know, who are the people that can assist you? What are the businesses or is it in the investments or what have you? So anyway five takeaways, we go into a little bit more detail on the blog. We'll list all the shows, we'll categorize them. And I want to hear from you, please, you know, let me know your thoughts. We're going to try to do this every year. Every year we look to improve. Every year we look to kind of go back and see what's working, review the comments and the topics and things like that. So got some new ideas that will you know, that will be rolling out here in Q1 of this year, but keep us informed best way to reach me, go right to the website or shoot me an email at G G. At gg, the franchise guy. com. Let us know your thoughts. If you'd like to be on the show, you can apply. If you want to cover, if you want me to cover a specific topic, please let me know anything we can help with. Just let us know. Your feedback is invaluable. We, we read every single comment. Sometimes we got to go through and, you know, all the social media platforms, but email is always best that you're always going to get the quickest turn around and response. But looking forward to the comments as we build the you know, kind of what the next 52 or 50 weeks, since we're two weeks in look like. So looking forward to that again, thanks for your support, happy new year. And if you're ready to explore franchisor, just learn a little bit more about, you know, how a franchise may be able to help what you're looking to accomplish. Go to the website, GG, the franchise guy. com. There's a podcast with 200 plus episodes. We have blogs. I offer my book, which is my exact blueprint. Of helping you find a franchise along with the webinar. If you're more visual you know, visual, excuse me, we'll, we'll cover that as well. So, let us know you know, if we can help in any way have a great week and we'll talk to you guys next week. Thanks again. Bye bye.
If you want to learn how to make the transition from corporate to owning your franchise, join Giuseppe on the next episode. You can also follow on all social media platforms and achieve financial and time freedom today.