Franchise Freedom
Franchise Freedom is for corporate executives who are tired of the rat race, the politics, and the lack of control inside the corporate monster and are ready to break free. Your host, Giuseppe Grammatico is a successful corporate refugee who has worked on every side of franchising, from owning franchises, to working with franchisors, to helping others use franchising to escape the corporate grind. Get more great insights on franchising and entrepreneurship for people looking at career transition at https://ggthefranchiseguide.com
Franchise Freedom
3 Simple Steps to Double Your Income (Even With a Franchise)
Want to double your income? In this episode of the Franchise Freedom Podcast, Giuseppe Grammatico shares three powerful strategies he used to achieve this goal.
Whether you're a franchise owner, a side hustler, or running a full-time business, these principles can help you boost your earnings and achieve financial freedom.
Learn the importance of focus, mindset, and owning your calendar.
➡️ Explore franchise opportunities with Giuseppe: https://ggthefranchiseguide.com/right-fit/
#franchise #franchising #business #entrepreneur #smallbusiness #productivity #timemanagement #mindset #focus #income #financialfreedom
00:00 3 Simple Steps to Double Your Income (Even With a Franchise)
00:47 Introduction to the Franchise Freedom Podcast
00:57 Recap of the National Conference in Memphis
01:18 Three Ideas to Double Your Income
02:03 The Importance of Focus
05:03 Owning Your Calendar
07:32 Mindset and Massive Action Plan
10:49 Conclusion and Call to Action
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The Franchise Freedom: Discover Your New Path to Freedom Through Franchise Ownership, Book by Giuseppe Grammatico https://ggthefranchiseguide.com/book or purchase directly on Amazon.
sometimes it really takes 100 percent focus and dedication to get that business moving, because if we're involved in so many different businesses, we start to lose the focus. own that time and that's controlling it, not making yourself available weekends so you can spend time with what's most important, which is your family. one hour towards health and wellness started doing that. And that's made all the difference. And because of that habit, everything else seems to kind of fall in place. Welcome to the Franchise Freedom Podcast, where you can escape the corporate trap through franchise ownership. Here's your host, Giuseppe Grammatico, The Franchise Guide. Welcome to the Franchise Freedom Podcast. I'm your host, Giuseppe Grammatico, your franchise guide, the show where we help corporate execs experience time and financial freedom via franchising. Thanks for joining us today. So why don't record a another episode regarding the national conference we just attended in Memphis, Tennessee. As I mentioned, we typically have two conferences a year meeting some of the best brands, over 125 of the best brands franchise brands out there. funding partners, colleagues, other franchise coaches, and consultants. It was a blast. I learned something every every conference and for this particular conference wanted to talk about the idea of essentially three ideas to double your income. I was asked to speak at the conference. We typically have a best practice session and wanted to share those ideas with everyone. And this applies to anyone that has a business, whether it's a side business, full time business. And we'll talk a little bit more about that, but I wanted to get into those ideas. So the topics we, we discussed and you know, the, the title double, by the way, double your income, you can easily quadruple your income. There's so many you know, you're not restricted as far as growth, but I know personally, I'm going to talk about. My personal experience, I've doubled my income based on these three pins principles. So number one I talked about the idea of focus. Well, what do I mean by focus? And the big takeaway there on focus is really focusing 100 percent to your business. Now I grew up and you know, talking about, you know, kind of learned about diversification. First career was in wall street. We always talk about a diverse diversified portfolio, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. But with that being said, when it comes to business, sometimes it really takes 100 percent focus and dedication to get that business moving, because if we're involved in so many different businesses, we start to lose the focus. And I'm not saying this cannot be done, but initially to get the business up and running, and if it's something like a home services type of business and franchising. You know, you get the business up and running, you get the right team in place. You get the one main point of contact, the general manager, and that's when you can start to diversify down the road. But initially you know, you want to be focused on the business a hundred percent so that you're not giving four businesses 25 percent of your time initially. And none of those businesses kind of take off. You know, another part of that is sometimes it only takes one business and that business is fine. And that business, you know, gives you the, the, the five freedoms we talk about with Dan Sullivan, the financial, the time, you know, the location, freedom, et cetera, et cetera. So focus is big for me, things that I proactively did to focus is number one, dedicated a hundred percent, a percent of my time towards my franchise coaching and consulting business reinvested earnings from the business. Into and which I've always done into wall street where it doesn't take much of my time couple meetings a year with our financial advisor Investing in things like real estate syndication again Doesn't take up a lot of my time get to diversify in different asset classes And things like that along with some other passive investments That you know, pay pay it a new way, pay a distribution on a monthly or quarterly basis. But point is doesn't take up much of my time so I can focus on my core business, which is what I truly enjoy doing. And that's helping people figure out if franchising is the right fit for them. So other proactive tips on focus on subscribing. From emails that don't don't help you in any way possible. So unsubscribing social media, dedicating an hour a day to social media engagement, posting, as well as maybe, you know, checking out for, for fun, Instagram, YouTube, that kind of stuff. And limiting the amount of time as that was for me, a time suck spending way too much time on social media. It's also, you know, with, with focus, it's, you know, working with people and, you know, staying in touch, networking eliminating as much as possible, people that are negative in your life, people that are always constantly complaining, maybe keeping those conversations to a minimum things like that. So those are, those that's around the idea of a focus. The second and this was a big one that's, that's helped me over the years and I'm constantly improving. is the idea of owning your own, owning the calendar. And what do I mean by that? So I learned this from a coach years ago and owning the calendar essentially means is allowing people to schedule on your calendar. But prior to doing that, putting your rocks the important stuff on the calendar, And for me, that was saying, okay, it was you know, whether it's date night or having lunch with my wife, once a week, putting that on the calendar, scheduling an hour for, for lunch, scheduling hour to work out in the morning any of the kids events school events, soccer, girl scouts whatever the kids sports or any type of activities all went on their first birthdays and all that kind of stuff. And then from there, open up the calendar to the hours that I wanted to work. During the day for anyone to book a call. So that's not keeping the calendar open, you know, seven days a week, 24 hours a day, which is some mistakes I've made in the past the work they seem to just never end. So owning the calendar was a big one. Prioritizing, allowing people to access the calendar and book accordingly and just making easy for them to, to book, giving those email and text reminders eliminating no shows. and then easily making it making it easy for them to reschedule or cancel if need be, you know, life you know, comes up, right? There's emergencies and not feeling well that morning. And that person can easily reschedule without needing an assistant or emailing you and things like that. So out in the calendar, I think is big. You know, Dan Sullivan talks about time. Freedom is one of the big things. Freedoms from owning a business. So, own that time and that's controlling it, not making yourself available weekends so you can spend time with what's most important, which is your family. And as a business owner, you're going to be getting pulled in all different directions and, and vendors and clients and customers and things like that. So, this is one way to get back your sanity and own your, your, your calendar. You know, one thing I also did was certain calls like podcasts for example, just, you know, blocking Wednesdays for those types of calls. Allowing buffers, 30 minute buffers between calls, crucial, giving you time to take notes and maybe contact a, a franchise company or, or, you know, or a candidate or a client in between. So, entering notes, you know, you know, you wait to do it at the end of the day, you start to forget. So by doing them right after the call, while the information is fresh in your mind, that's helping that with my productivity and then number, number three you know, my three takeaways of doubling your income is this idea of mindset. And the idea of, of, of mindset is really, I talked about, you know, reverse engineering the process, just like we reverse the engineer, the process with our candidates is having that end in mind. What are we, what are we trying to accomplish here and maximizing? Okay. In order to get to, to, to Z, we need to do Y and, and vice versa. But when you have that, that end plan of where you want to be, or what's the end goal completely helps, completely helps with how you, how you layout the day, you know, what that looks like, the number, number of calls, the number of touch points. I think that's, that's crucial. And these are always, you know, there's always room for, for tweaking and improvement. You know, after giving the call, I had some people approach me and I said, you know, that's a good point. Maybe I want to make the the buffer in between meetings a little bit less. Or maybe I want to extend it. So, you know, do I let someone book a call or do I, do I schedule the call with that individual? And that's something I said, you know what, that's a good point. Maybe I want to keep those calls always scheduled. So there's always ways of improvement. This is not what one size fits all. It's basically works kind of what works best for you, right? I'm not saying this is what you have to do. And these are the only ways, but this is what personally worked for me. So when I got focused. I own the calendar and now we're talking mindset made a huge difference. In my business you know, with mindset as well, you know, we talked about, you know, things such as, you know, as I mentioned, you know, you have everything booked on that calendar yet. You, you, you know, you reserve the amount of time and the buffers and all that kind of stuff, but putting to this I learned this from Tony Robbins, a map, a massive action plan, and that massive action plan is something I store and Google sheets. Easily shareable review it every single morning. And it talks about my goals, you know, where I want to be at for the year. Not just, not just business. But in life and in health and, and, and all financials and, and there are five areas that I, that I like to focus on. But not only that, but next to each goal, because goals are great, but I've noticed I wasn't really hitting those goals every single year, but more of an action plan. What are the, these from the book Atomic Habits, what is that, that habit that I need to create to get there? So, From from health, there's goals, you know, of doing this, there's, there's about four or five different goals that I have, but that atomic habit was scheduling essentially from 7am to 8am every morning, one hour, whether it be strength training, whether it be walking, whether it be cardio. Meditation, mobility training, that kind of deal. But one hour towards health and wellness started doing that. And that's made all the difference. And because of that habit, everything else seems to kind of fall in place. So, thank Tony Robbins for that. Just really outlining it. But the other thing is, you know, reviewing it every day, but subconsciously starts to kind of sink in and say, you know what, I have to do these. These things every single day. So, to reiterate, we talked about focus. We talked about owning your calendar. We talked about having the right mindset, you know, the mindset of, of, of you know, kind of having this, this end goal and reverse engineering. The process works personally work works for reviewing a franchise. I, you know, I recommend this to everyone. So those are, those are my top three talk was great. Love to share more detail with you. So if you want more information, you found this helpful, please comment. Thank you. Please let me know if you want more information. If you want to even chat you know, about franchises about being more productive about doubling your income, whatever I can help with, go to GGtheFranchiseGuide.Com book, a call looking forward to in 20 minutes or less definitely a walk away with some type of learning something new. Maybe make you laugh along the way. Talk to you guys soon. Thanks again for joining. Take care. If you want to learn how to make the transition from corporate to owning your franchise, join Giuseppe on the next episode. You can also follow on all social media platforms and achieve financial and time freedom today.